Extra Life Game Day 2016

Click here to go directly to our Extra Life Team page and Donate today! Click on "Roster" and choose which team member you'd like to donate to. All of us are playing for Children's Hospital of Georgia in Augusta.

Dear Friends and Family,

Hospitals can be scary places. And yet every single day, my wife Anita gets up early, puts on her  Winnie the Pooh badge holder, and spends her day working with doctors and nurses to provide the best care she can for sick children. These kids bravely face their injuries and illnesses, because they know that they're in competent and caring hands. People like my wife and her colleagues work tirelessly to ensure that their young patients are being treated with the finest care possible.

Not all of us can go out and get medical degrees, but that doesn't mean we can't do our part to help. That's why this year I have put together a team of like-minded companions with the goal of running a marathon to raise money for Anita's hospital. And no, not an actual marathon, with all that uncomfortable "running outside" thing. Please, have you seen my body? I'm talking about a gaming marathon: 24 straight hours of video games, board games, and roleplaying games, all to raise money for a charity that supports children's hospitals.

This marks the first year I will be participating in Extra Life's Game Day on Saturday, November 5th. Since 2008, Extra Life has raised more than $22 million to children's hospitals for research, critical treatments, healthcare services, pediatric medical equipment, and charitable care. Extra Life donates to to facilities associated with Children's Miracle Network Hospitals, which includes the Children's Hospital of Georgia (CHOG) where Anita works as clinical pediatric pharmacist. CHOG caters to the majority of children throughout the state as well as neighboring areas of South Carolina, and it's located right here in Augusta.

I've put together a team of willing victims... sorry, I meant friends... to aid me in my quest to raise money for the hospital and its young patients. We have united under Team Geekundspiel, which will represent our group effort. However, each of us has our own donation page with a minimum goal that we all hope to reach and exceed. It is my hope that you will join me, Anita, and our friends as we raise as much money as possible. We will be (attempting) to stream our entire marathon through YouTube and Twitch, and you can follow and support us through our Twitter and Facebook pages as well.

Your donation is tax-deductible and ALL PROCEEDS go to help kids. Remember, we can't do this alone. We need your help if we're going to raise money for the kids! So Donate today!

We'll have more information as we get closer. But in the meantime, every dollar you donate gives one more dollar to the children. Thanks again, and we'll see you November 5th!

I would like to thank the following local businesses for supporting us and putting up flyers in their stores!